Ultraviolet fades to black, you want her back; you have her back?
The colour’s bright, dysphoric state, she’s losing hope, is it too late?
The darkness creeps and light is stole, her inner sanctum swallowed whole.
The fear and madness of it all as Reaper gleeful takes her call.

You know not what’s required of me, for through my eyes you cannot see.
You cannot see, you dare not see.
You will not see.

Kaleidoscopic tunnel dimming, even with euphoric hymn-ing
Singing “SAVE ME, SAVE ME PLEASE!” her rescue boat in fateful seas,
Does not pluck out the orange glow, nor see the beacon moored on shore.
Encased in cruelest cloud she sinks, no bringing back from brutal brink.

I know not what’s required of me, for through my eyes you cannot see.
I cannot see, I dare not see.
I will not see.

She dreams of decades future told, when stories of the ‘mad’ unfold.
When folk do not condemn her brain to confined walls of secret shame.
When folk embrace the plateaued times along with crazy mountain climbs
She longs for brand new century, when madness is her sanctuary,
In ever strange complexity, she can’t explain her mind you see
Oh will you ever truly see, the crux of her polarity?