I strolled through life’s playground, I hoped we would meet

Two halves of one being, two lives incomplete

Before you existed I pictured your face

I unlocked my heart and reserved you a place

For I never doubted us, I always knew

My present, my future, my past are with you

So sure of our destiny, sure we will be

Entwined in each other for eternity

The only uncertainty borne of our love

The rest of our lives cannot be long enough

For I once had questions which scuppered my plan

Like, how can I spend all my life with one man?

And then there’s that priceless pearl – how will I know,

If he is ‘The One’ and not one to forego?

Then you came along and my questions dissolved

‘How will I know?’ – An old quand’ry resolved

I no longer ponder this, I am quite sure

For you are the answer, I need ask no more

I watch as our love grows so deep and so true

Now only one question remains for us two

Without hesitation, I fall into you

I give you, sincerely, my answer – ‘I do’